April 9, 2005

Thy Nemesis: Christcrushing Anthems

Thy Nemesis: Christcrushing AnthemsCD, CCP Records 2005

Track list: An Friedhofsmauern - Ravenway - From the Ashes of Purgatory - Basilisk - Lucifer's Tower - Worm of Fire - The Brotherslayer - Brenn i Helvete

It's pretty hard to say anything positive about Christcrushing Anthems. It's an example of mediocrity at it's darkest: the songs aren't really very interesting (well, An Friedhofsmauern is a pleasant exception), the vocals are just too typical, the album doesn't sound good (for example it's pretty hard to believe that the band actually has a drummer - sounds too clean, too much like a machine). **

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Category: Black/Death metal

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