January 05, 2004

Eläkeläiset: Jenkkapolkkahumppa

Eläkeläiset: JenkkapolkkahumppaCD, Stupido Twins 2001

Track list: Jenkkapolkkahumppa (Faster, Harder, Scooter) - Humppasonni (Join Me) - Humppastara (Movie Star) - Hyljätyn humppa (Don't You Ever Leave Me)

In case you don't know Eläkeläiset ("Pensioners"), here's a short primer: the band plays humppa covers of familiar rock classics. Humppa is a Finnish dance, somewhat related to polka. Of course, the songs get new lyrics, more focused on the world of old people and humppa. The concept is simple, but effective. What's best, the band is actually gathered some fame outside Finland (at least in Germany).
The single features four great humppas. Best of them is easily "Humppasonni", cover of HIM's "Join Me". It's probably their best song ever. The other three aren't bad either. Unfortunately for all you people who don't speak Finnish, you'll never be able to completely understand and appreciate Eläkeläiset. ****

Category: Rock
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