Most read entries

Here is the list of 50 most read entries in this blog.

  1. Johanna Sinisalo: Troll : A Love Story
  2. BTT: Other Worlds
  3. John Fairbairn: Shogi for Beginners
  4. BTT: Mayday!
  5. BTT: What Is Reading, Fundamentally?
  6. BTT: Books vs Movies
  7. BTT: Manual Labour
  8. BTT: Trends
  9. BTT: Manual Labour Redux
  10. Elizabeth Moon: The Speed of Dark
  11. Italo Calvino: Tutte le cosmicomiche (Cosmicomics)
  12. BTT: Clubbing
  13. Douglas Coupland: Life After God
  14. Tommy Wieringa: Joe Speedboat
  15. Lucius Shepard: The Golden
  16. Maria Veloso: Web Copy That Sells
  17. David Allen: Getting Things Done
  18. Dan Ariely: Predictably Irrational : The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
  19. Jo Walton: Farthing
  20. Keepers and non-keepers
  21. Patricia A. McKillip: Song for the Basilisk
  22. M. John Harrison: Nova Swing
  23. Antal Szerb: The Pendragon Legend
  24. Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion
  25. M. John Harrison: Signs of Life
  26. Sam Sloan: Chinese Chess for Beginners
  27. Toru Dutt: The Diary of Mademoiselle D'Arvers
  28. Marcus Sedgwick: My Swordhand Is Singing
  29. Jonathan Carroll: Kissing the Beehive
  30. Richard Matheson: I Am Legend
  31. Hugleikur Dagsson: Is This Supposed to Be Funny?
  32. Lord Dunsany: The King of Elfland's Daughter
  33. Yoshio Sakabe: Night Autopsy Room
  34. Steve Caplin and Simon Rose: Be the Coolest Dad on the Block
  35. Sabine Melchior-Bonnet: The Mirror : A History
  36. Mick O'Hare (ed.): Does Anything Eat Wasps?
  37. Jonathan Lethem: Gun, with Occasional Music
  38. Steph Swainston: The Year of Our War
  39. Fritz Leiber: Swords and Deviltry
  40. Sid Sackson: Card Games Around the World
  41. Charles Stross: Iron Sunrise
  42. Bookworms Carnival - 12th edition
  43. Stephen Baxter: Manifold: Time
  44. Naomi Novik: Temeraire / His Majesty's Dragon
  45. Eleanor Noss Whitney: A Mah Jong Handbook : How to Play, Score, and Win
  46. Naomi Novik: Throne of Jade
  47. Jonathan Lethem: This Shape We're In
  48. Steve Erickson: The Sea Came in at Midnight
  49. Steve Erickson: Rubicon Beach
  50. Blog on hiatus