New games in the collection

I got my copy of Race for the Galaxy yesterday. It looks pretty nifty, though the art is perhaps a bit dark. Then again, I suppose it is dark in space... I'm glad the cards are of decent size, so they work well with card protectors - I'm hoping to play the game that much. Fortunately tomorrow is Thursday and our Thursday games - I wouldn't mind playing Race and nothing else.

1960: The Making of the President arrived in the same box - and made the box surprisingly heavy. And it's not the game in general, but just the board: the game has one of the heaviest boards I've met. The components are generally pretty nifty, I think.
Originally I wanted to buy Twilight Struggle, but the first batch in was sold out before I got it, and then I just never bought it. Then arrived 1960, which seemed a bit more interesting. I read about it more, as I wrote an article on the web site about it and that, basically, sealed the deal - I decided to add it to my order.
Well, the game sure looks good and seems mechanically sound. I'm quite interested in trying this one out, maybe next week?

I also got Canal Mania, which I bought used. I paid too much for it in an auction, my initial bid remained unchallenged, but at least the money went to a nice guy (who let me crash at his home during Helcon), so I don't mind. My geekbuddies either like the game somewhat or think it's a bit of disappointment, so we'll see, but it looks pretty nice and I wouldn't mind having a slightly more forgiving version of Age of Steam.
I also got a new cell phone - Nokia 3110 classic - to replace my N-Gage QD that had started to fall apart after three years of use (and a year of baby chewing on it). The new one looks nice, but most importantly, it has a camera, so perhaps, if the camera takes good enough pictures and moving them to the computer is easy enough, you'll start seeing a bit more pictures.
Funny fact about Railroad Tycoon: apparently the title is something of an anachronism, as according to Word Detective, the word tycoon wasn't used in business sense until after World War I.
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