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Thanks, Alfred. After reading that, I'm not sure I can hold off from getting a 18xx game anymore.

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Alfred said:

Indeed--now the only question is which one! A plethora of choices, to be sure...

Iain Cheyne said:

I have been playing 1825 at FWTWR recently. It has got quite a learning curve. At the moment, I still way prefer Age of Steam, but that's probably because I understand what I am doing...


Mikko Saari said:

I'm thinking about one of the smaller sets: 18AL, 18GA or 18VA. I've already made inquiries on the availability of 18AL. Those seem more interesting than the bigger games. I don't want a six-hour game, because I don't think that can compare to a two games of Age of Steam, besides I'll never get to play a six-hour game... Even if I have a chance at a con, I'd rather play two three-hour games.

But something that's playable in less than three hours could be a refreshing alternative to Age of Steam.

Jeff Coon said:

The 18xx games have piqued my interest, and hopefully I can find the time to read through the entire BGG thread. I know there are some 18xx fans in the Dallas Gamers group, but they're so fanatical that I wonder what their attitude about teaching new players would be.

Mikko Saari said:

Decision made: I have ordered 18VA from Deep Thought Games. I should get it at Essen (I'm not going, though) and thus be able to test it at Helcon, if everything works out fine.

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on August 16, 2006 3:04 PM.

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- Steam over Holland
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