Hot games for Q2/2006

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Here's a list of hottest games for the second quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list.

You can also check the previous quarter, with completely different games.

Thurn und Taxis - Winner by far. Then again, it did get ten plays during the period. I like the game, but that's as far as it goes, really. It's definitely a game I enjoy playing (in BSW, for example), but it isn't special enough to buy or probably even suggest outside BSW.

Puerto Rico - Old warhorse took the second place after seven games during the quarter. It was fun, getting back to PR in BSW. I did well, too, though I don't think I won many. Several

Halli Galli - An unplanned purchase that went down really well. I like it a lot. Short game, thus not worth much happiness, but lots of plays and great novelty value this quarter. Should come up fairly often in future, as well.

San Juan - Quite a few BSW games of this old favourite. San Juan should do well in most of these lists, I expect, as it is my number one choice in BSW most of the time.

Verflixxt! - On the list for the novelty effect this quarter, but may become a standard entry. Johanna likes this one a lot, and all but two of my playings have been two-player. I could see myself playing this in BSW with more players, but the two-player game is great mostly because of the company.

Blue Moon - One intensive session this quarter. That seems to be the way I play this game: longer sessions every now and then. Then again, two-player game time with someone else than Johanna is fairly rare.

Indonesia - Just a single game, but it's a long game and I like it a lot, so it made the list. This is definitely high on my list of games I really, really want to play more.

Age of Steam Expansion #3: Scandinavia & Korea - The same thing here: just one play, but it's a good, longer game. I like this less than Indonesia, but the novelty effect is higher, since it was the first time I tried the map. We played Scandinavia, which was nice.

For Sale - I finally got myself the new Überplay For Sale. It was about time! This should see fairly regular action.

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Robert said:

"Halli Galli ... Should come up fairly often in future, as well."

In the case you ever get your copy of the game back ... Ha, ha, ha :-D

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