Finnish Board Game Society in BSW

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Today is the first Board Game Society BrettSpielWelt event. It started at noon, I had an hour or two to spend there. There was already about dozen people online, and more will come later, I'm sure.

It's a nice idea. Most of the face-to-face events have been in Helsinki, which is far from most places in Finland. This kind of event works well with a national society, I think, as the geographic distances fade out. I'm sure this won't be the last event of this kind.

We played some Diamant and Attribute, both excellent games for larger groups. My excellent track record in Attribute was tarnished a bit, as I placed third in the big challenge match. What can you say - aftger a bad start it's hard to catch up with someone who plays solid game, and you can't always control your own destiny. It was fun, though.

Maybe next time I'll have more time to participate. There are some interesting games going on tonight, I'm sure, and particularly if you're Finnish, check them out. The games continue until tomorrow 12 am.

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on March 18, 2006 2:17 PM.

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You can also see similarly tagged entries:
- BSW session: Diamant, Attribute (finally!)
- Helcon III - Sunday
- Saturday, day three: Crowds and games
- Finnish Boardgame Society
- Attribut in Finnish at BSW
- BrettSpielWelt session
- Board game club: Antike, Antike!

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