BrettSpielWelt session

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It's been a while since my last BrettSpielWelt session. Six months, actually! Well, nothing's changed over there, just a new game or few.

However, playing anything except the standards proved to be pretty hard, as usual. I got in five games of San Juan, with two and three players. The three-player games proved to be my forté, as I won them both. One with rush building, one with City Hall and Palace. One of the two-player games was excitingly close, ending 28-27 as my loss. I can take pride in having three buildings less than my opponent! I've missed playing San Juan, though it's probably more fun in BSW than in real life. It's just too slow with all the cards to mess around. Clicking icons is better.

I wanted to fix the flaw of not playing Puerto Rico this year. Two games, two losses, nothing much to report except a very rusty player. I've forgotten everything I once knew. The first game was particularly horrible.

For the record: Bluff is very bad in BSW with three players, just awful. More players are needed, and the game needs real players, too.

After some waiting, I managed to play a game of Power Grid, that was good. I didn't play well at all (buying two nuclear power plants is silly when there's just one fuel production coming in), but it was a blast anyway. It's such a good game.

I tried my best to get a game of Attribute going, but that proved to be impossible. I never had more than two players in the same room. It's a shame, because I really want to play it. Next board game club will bring a chance, hopefully. The game is begging for a homemade Finnish edition, though. I probably should create one (but if I do so, I'll be sure to buy the original as well, because that's just fair).

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This page contains a single entry by Mikko published on April 9, 2005 10:26 PM.

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- Boardgame club meeting: Puerto Rico, Die Händler, Carcassonne: H&G
- BSW session: Diamant, Attribute (finally!)
- Café Games: Lost Cities, Bluff, Canal Grande
- Do-it-yourself games: Bluff
- The Games Journal
- Attribut in Finnish at BSW
- Finnish Board Game Society in BSW

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