Finnish Players' Picks 2004
Ok, finally: Finnish Players' Picks 2004 voting is over, votes have been tallied and I can announce the results: Puerto Rico wins, again. Carcassonne is second and catches up, losing only by two votes.
Once again, there's a GeekList of the top games (here's last year's list).
The whole list can be seen at the results page.
Some highlights: St. Petersburg scores seven votes, Ticket to Ride gets ten. Goa gets just three votes. Best new game is Attika with 21 votes. A Game of Thrones, Power Grid and Coloretto do well, too.
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Puerto Rico wins, Carcassone second, Settler's third. Zzzzzzzzzz............ I bet they win in this order next year as well.
Okay, now let's have Finnish Players' Picks 2004 from only games released since last year's Essen. :-)
Well, yeah, no surprises there. I do expect Carcassonne to win next year. But, I'm not really interested in who wins, I'm interested in what other games get votes. That's why there's the five-vote minimum, to get something else than the obvious games.
And like it or not, these are the games people play. With a restriction to only new releases, we wouldn't get 129 voters or 760 votes. Goa got just three votes, well, I wouldn't expect it to get much more in any case.
Besides, Carcassonne would win the restricted election, too, and Settlers of Catan would be second. Both are new releases in Finland right now =)