This is war!
It's been a while since I last played my favourite computer strategy game, Steel Panthers. I have both Steel Panthers I and II and I loved them both. Nowadays, of course, the game to play is Steel Panthers: World at War.
We found out some time ago with Tommy that we both like the game and we decided we should play an e-mail game one day. Now that day has come. Tommy issued a challenge, I updated my World at War to a current version and the battle has begun. My Soviet troops are closing in on Tommy's Finnish ski squadron, trying to crush them into a bloody pulp.
However, I have strong faith in the strength of the Finnish soldiers, and I'm sure many of my tanks will be blown to bits by the valiant Finnish men. Still, victory will be ours!
I won't document the battle as it goes on, as Tommy might read it here and get some clues about my plans, but I'll write a report when we're done.
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I might want to challenge you too some day, it's been a great deal of time since my last game (the last I played was when the World at War -project was just started and I played some of it's 1.0 versions. I got the new one some time ago, but haven't really played it yet.
And I just think to sneak out your plans :) But anyway, I'm prepaired against your bloody tanks.
Ah, the clash of steel. One would think that when doing battle with same amount of points on each side, playing Germany would be easy as taking the lollipop from child's mouth.
Somehow I always manage to get myself blown to pieces, even against the computer.
I'm open for challenges, though. ;)
But Germans are easy, especially if you take the munchkin way out and take gazillion 88mm AA-guns - and of course, some other AA-guns to protect those 88mm AA-guns from airplanes as they are too busy to blast enemy tanks.
Dunno how that works in World at War, but those things were too good in SP I. It's a nice piece of equipment, I saw one in the Imperial War Museum in London, in addition to lots of other things familiar from the game.
Challenges are welcome, any match will do. Just start the game and send in the files to
Well, to my knowledge, the 88mm was a superior gun through the whole war - not as superior as SP makes it, but still. I think it's toned down a bit in SPWAW, but it's still pretty formidable.
Of course, I manage to loose fights even with those, unless I take a defensive scenario with enough points for Germans and make it a turkey shoot. Which is a bit dull.
Have to install the newest version to home and check how the email-game works.
Yep, the 88mm pretty much whooped ass during the war since most of the allied tanks carried pretty light armor. Of course, at the late stages of the war the 88mm lost some of it's glamour due to thickening armor on the allied tanks, but still, it served through the whole war with success.
I'll have to get World at War. Didn't apparently burn it to a CD the last time :-) I think Merten might be my opponent, I suck in the game too :-D
I think what was most impressive about 88mm in SP I wasn't the armour penetration, but the accuracy. It hit anything, anywhere, at the first shot. Of course, it usually blew up everything it hit, which was nice. Like, shoot five shots a round killing five tanks. Nice.
Don't be afraid - I haven't played Steel Panthers in years and even back then I wasn't any good. But maybe we should set up a tournament? Everyone plays against everyone and then we'll see who's really the worst player ;-) Meanwhile, I'm reserving that priviledge! This is my blog!
yeah, tournament is definetly a good idea and if no one is a real hardcore player then it might be pretty equal too.
The email-game definetly works like a charm back in the day when I played with Steel Panthers I (I bought SP2 also, but I hated it. Modern warfare sucks :-D)
Well then - if Tommy and Merten are in, maybe you two could start a game, then we'll switch opponents until everyone has played against everyone else.
The scoring could be for example 2 points for decisive victory, 1 point for marginal victory and respective minus points for losers. Who has the most points after the games, wins. Simple enough.
Sotamme Mertenin kanssa käynnistyi. Saksa vs Venäjä, 1942 ja kohtaaminen risteyksessä. Stalinin urut laulaa ja kohta saksapoikaa viedään kotiin. Tai sitten ei.
Jo vain. Olen mukana. Ja sitäpaitsi mun Steel Panthers taitoni eivät varmastikaan ole sen paremmat kuin teilläkään. Tällä hetkellä Mikkoa vastaan mun hiihtojoukot saavat aika rankasti tulta niskaan. Onneksi moraali on kuitenkin korkealla tasolla. Eikös se vielä ollut niin, että yksi suomalainen suksijääkäri vastaa kymmentä venäläistä panssarivaunua eli eipä tässä ole pahempaa hätää...
Jees niinhän se on. Suomalaisten moraali on aika huipuissaan tässä pelissä ja jengi on aika tehokasta. On tää yhtä kämmäilyä kyllä ollu kun pitkästä aikaa tätä pelaa, mutta eiköhän tästä jotain saada aikaan. Gruppenführer Koskelinin ja meikän matsi saadaan varmaan iltaan mennessä kunniakkaaseen päätökseen jonka jälkeen vuorossa The Raportti kuvien kera jotta voitte ottaa oppia ns. hienoista taktiikoistamme ;-)
osoitteesta löytyy viime selkkauksen kohta-kohdalta analyysi ja tilannearvio + ehdotus ensi vuoden sotabudjetiksi. Aloitettiin saman tien isompi kärhämä USA vs Kolmas Valtakunta. Voi tulla parempaa tulosta aikaan kun taas edellisen pelin myötä alkoi jotain asioita muistamaan :-)
Komea raportti! Merkitään siis aikakirjoihin komentaja Nokkaselle +1 piste, Mertenille sama miinusta. Enpä vielä esitä arvioita minun ja Tommyn ottelun lopputuloksesta; Venäjällä riittää yhä puhtia, mutta suomalaisten joukot eivät ole harvenneet aivan toivotulla tahdilla.
Kieltämättä venäläiset ystäväni puskevat päälle aika raivokkaasti, mutta urheat hiihtojoukkoni ovat pitäneet asemansa kohtuullisen hyvin. Mitä olen uskaltanut kurkistaa puskan raosta, niin niitä näkyy olevan armo liuta vielä tulossa.
Kasapanoksia on kuitenkin päästy testaamaan ja todettu ihan toimiviksi.
Raportti näytti aika perusteelliselta näin äkkinäisen silmäyksen pohjalta. Hienoa työtä.
Te näköjään pelasitte 19 vuoron matsinne päivässä. Taisi jäädä se Ruotsin aine sitten kirjoittamatta...
Itseasiassa aineen palautin tänään ;-)
Eipä noi vuorot nyt niin kauaa vieneet, oli kuitenkin medium-mappi ja ehkä turhan vähän joukkoja toisaalta ja taidettiin peli vetää läpi itseasiassa kahdessa erässä (yö välissä) ja yleensä noin 7 minuutin sisään tippui taas sähköpostiin uusi file pelattavaksi.
I'm playing this game for mayby 6 years. I played in I II III and WaW Steels. All were great but the most importent is that how fight whitout many loses. It is importent. But do you now it's great when you figth yours squad Polish Infrantry in 1939 and you now that it isn't easy to win.
hi all
IM a avid strategy gamer and i like to play steel panthers world at war with you guys via e-mail.but i dont know how to get connected .so can any of you guys pls tell me how to do it.
i really look forward to meet you guys in the field