BookMooch recommendations
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I've been happily mooching books lately. BookMooch has actually beaten both Bloglines and BoardGameGeek in my browser: if I type 'b' in the URL bar, Firefox suggests BookMooch.
It's been fun, and quite useful too: I've mooched over 70 books with a very reasonable cost, just about three euros per book. While three euros is more than enough for some of them (old, worn paperbacks), I've also received brand new trade paperbacks and hardcovers in pristine condition, books I couldn't get in library and I'd have to pay at least 15 euros or so to buy.
In an effort to give something back to the community (and to get something for myself), I created BookMooch Recommendations. It's a simple recommendations engine: type in your BookMooch id to get some recommendations based on your mooching history. It was a fun project, and depending on your history, it can produce pretty good results, too.
If you're a BookMooch user, try it out. If you're not - well, if you like cheap books, you probably should be!
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Hmm... I hope this isn't troublesome, but did something happen to the recommendation engine? Did it move, or is it just no more, because I cannot find it where it used to be.
Thank you!
Posted by: Kayla at May 12, 2007 9:15 AM
It was closed. It was too heavy, it crashed my ISP's database server, which was not nice. So, I had to close it. Shame.
Posted by: Mikko Saari at May 12, 2007 9:40 AM